best cat door and cat supply site has the best deals. great doors at the best prices.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How to select the best cat door or dog door for your pet

Step1 If your needs are more defined you will need to make a list of what is important in your search- How secure are these doors from intruders, do they have locking systems, can other pets enter following your pet, do you need to worry about electrical problem while on vacation? Know your needs and your pets. Each of these features will increase your cost.

Step2 Pet doors are still very affordable but the price range can be confusing to those who simply want a pet door for sweet pea to enter and exit. The less expensive models you must consider the durability and cost of replacing flaps and the amount of pressure they can take. If sweet pea is a bull dog these will not last long.

Step3 Your pet door will have "flaps" this is the material from which your dog or cat enters. It is bordered by the pet door around your wall or door. If you live in a area of pest you will want to make sure these flaps are tight fitting and don't bulge or have gaps. If you live in more extreme climates you do not want air escape from these flaps. If you are putting these in a home
the two flap versions offer more resistance to the elements but are more costly. If you are installing these into a garage or a moderate climate a one flap system may be a perfect choice. Many doors come with a security panel that you can close when not using the door.

Some doors require a great deal of knowledge to install. It may be best to let a handy person help you if this is not your talent. Some are much easier. Knowing where you want your door installed before you start your search is a must and will determine much about the cost and level of knowledge required.

Always bear in mind future options-if sweet pea is a 2 pound puppy and will only grow to 10 pounds, will you ever want a larger pet in your future.

If you plan a move down the road consider a purchase that is not too tiny for the average pet to use and a door that looks great in your home. Consider a door that is attractive with any paint color such as a aluminum door or white.

Above all think of what it would be like if your pet held the key to your

bathroom breaks. They fill our life with Love and ask for little in return.

Although most people will purchase a pet door for their own ease in Life

it is also a very good thing for the health and happiness of our best friends.

We suggest CatWalk and DogWalk as the best value for long lasting and easiest to install Pet Door

1 comment:

  1. Most people dont know that you can purchase doors that only open when your own cat or dog go through it.This is so raccones don't come into your house or other unwanted pests.


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